Re海rchers Crowdsource Public Videos to Identify Distinct Moose Sounds in Natural Environments



N达勒姆.H. — Drive around New England and it becomes obvious that the iconic moose is beloved and revered, 从车牌到马克杯,再到衣服,到处都有. 尽管它们是吸引游客的主要景点, 对森林栖息地也很重要, moose are shy and can be a challenge to track to help protect from adversities like certain forest and land management and environmental factors like the increase of winter ticks. Re海rchers at the 永利app新版本官网地址 have turned to publicly available online videos to help develop a method to assess wild moose sounds, 在自然环境中, and identify the distinct differences by age and sex in an important first step in creating an acoustic network that could help track, 监测和保护驼鹿种群.   

“通过追踪驼鹿, 科学家可以预测森林栖息地如何影响驼鹿的分布,劳拉·克洛普说, an assistant professor of biological sciences at UNH and a scientist at the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station. “特别, 生境干扰, 比如一些木材管理造成的, affect where moose prefer to live and how those preferences change with the 海sons or the time of day. 因为驼鹿有广泛的漫游范围和低人口密度, monitoring them is an ever-present challenge that could be aided by non-invasive technologies like a moose acoustic sensor.”

在他们的 研究, 发表在《永利app新版本官网地址》杂志上, re海rchers outline first steps to creating a moose acoustic network by using publicly available videos to first identify the species by sex and age. 网络视频, 从猎人和娱乐爱好者那里众包, allowed them to better identify and separate the vocal characteristics of male and female moose and calves.  从视频中, they adapted the bioacoustic data—sounds produced by or affecting the moose—to identify differences in moose calls and characterize them by age and sex. 

在看了近20个视频后, 他们收集了673次呼叫,其中199次来自奶牛(雌性)。, 255只来自公牛(雄性),219只来自小牛. 的 calls were distinct and had quantifiable vocalization differences in peak frequency, 中心频率, 跨奶牛组的带宽和持续时间, 公驼鹿和小驼鹿. 尽管存在个体差异, 年龄和性别阶层之间存在明显差异, 公牛和小牛之间最明显的区别. 在一般情况下, 公驼鹿的叫声频率最低, 母牛的叫声频率中等,小牛的叫声频率最高. 

“因为驼鹿非常难以捉摸, we relied on an underutilized resource for animal behavior—videos captured by the public,Kloepper说. ”的 acoustic results are an important first step in obtaining audio from direct observations of a hard-to-capture and understudied species that will allow us to now help in identifying moose.”

Re海rchers say the data obtained from the public videos will also help them to scan and identify the vocalizations from other long-term video and acoustic recordings across the N.H. 森林. Future work will include networks of calibrated acoustic recorders across a landscape to develop an automated detector and determine moose population density and occupancy to inform forest management.

这项工作得到了联合国的支持.H. Agricultural Experiment Station through joint funding from the USDA National Institute of Food and 农业 and the state of New Hampshire. 调查是与北海道渔猎署合作进行的

合著者包括Alex Zager, 索尼娅Ahlberg, 奥利维亚Boyan, 乔斯林荆棘, 瓦莱丽·爱丁顿和雷明顿·莫尔, 都在UNH.

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照片可供下载我:/ t / COLSANHAESCommunications / EVv-IBCSC4JFjlzltPBX22sBsXs-farfl44Bj4eixrySfg?e = 8 nhi9o 


图片来源:Remington Moll/UNH 


图片来源:Remington Moll/UNH我:/ t / COLSANHAESCommunications / EckkZWLtEMpJiV4KLrF-JIkBCbcHCrEqstGPvXmYs032wA?e = LCC5Y2 

描述:观众频率或发声的视觉表现, 称为代表性谱图, 源自a)奶牛, b)牛, c)小牛. 
